Support a Student Campaign

Sabore’s Well established the Support a Student Campaign to provide ongoing scholarships for the students at Naretu Academy. We currently have 30 students that need your support. A donation of $650 will provide one student with financial assistance for the entire school year including all books and learning materials, school supplies, 2 uniforms (standard uniform and traditional Maasai uniform), a track suit, socks and shoes, along with daily breakfast and lunch. 100% of your donation goes to fund their education.
Support of one of our students is life changing, not only for them but for you too. Knowing that your contribution allows a parent the ability to provide quality education for their child is something they can never thank you enough for. We have experienced firsthand the benefits of having a sponsor for Sabore. Had a visiting missionary not volunteered to pay for Sabore’s school fees when he was a child, this project may not exist.
If you are interested in supporting a student through our Support a Student Campaign, please fill out the “Contact Us” form expressing your interest. We will get in touch with you to complete the process. Once you have selected a student, we will provide you with a photo of them. We will also provide you with updates on their progress. Thank you for helping us make a difference in a child’s life.
Meet Jackline, Our First Scholarship Recipient
One of our very first scholarship recipients was Jackline, a 5 year old child being raised by her grandmother. Our head teacher reached out to let us know that this student was coming to school barefoot because her grandmother could not afford to buy socks and shoes for her. She had also mentioned that Jackline was arriving to school starving as there was not enough food at home to feed her.
During a family event in California, one of my relatives asked what kind of support they could give to Sabore’s Well and we asked if they would like to provide a scholarship for one of our most needy students. They gladly accepted and with these funds, the M. Thérèse Hjelm Scholarship Fund was established. Jackline is the first recipient and we couldn’t be prouder.
This scholarship has changed Jackline’s life. She is now fed regularly and it’s made a difference in both her appearance and attitude. She can focus on her studies because her stomach isn’t growling and she’s proud to show up at school because she has new socks and shoes. She now always has a smile on her face as she’s happy and loves learning. Her grades over the first term improved dramatically and we are so excited for what the future holds for her. Her grandmother is also so happy as she has a well fed granddaughter who is thriving.
Please reach out if you’d like to sponsor a child: